Answered By: Library Reference
Last Updated: Jul 14, 2015     Views: 1663

To check out library materials (including Reserve) from the University Library, you must have a valid ACCESS card. Faculty and students receive ACCESS cards as a part of their orientation.

It may be necessary to have an ACCESS card barcode entered into your patron record, the first time you use the Library. Help Desk staff can edit your record during normal desk hours. During late-night hours, materials can be left on hold and checked out when the Help Desk staff is available to edit your record.

Books and Government Documents may be renewed unless a hold has been placed on an item. There is a limit of two online renewals. Additional renewals must be requested in person.

Books borrowed through LINK+ can usually be renewed one time for two weeks. Renewals for LINK+ books are made at the discretion of the lending library and should be requested before the due date.

The renewal of books borrowed through Interlibrary Loan (Bronco Express) is governed by the lending library is rare. Request for a renewal must be made before the due date.

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