Answered By: Kelci Baughman McDowell
Last Updated: Nov 21, 2022     Views: 185

Santa Clara University course catalogs, course descriptions, and course bulletins from 1851-2016 are digitized in the SCU Digital Collections.

You may browse all issues to locate the year(s) and school(s) you need, or you may search by year.

To search by year, from the landing page for the Course Catalogs and Bulletins collection, enter the year you want to view in the search box at the top in this format: 19XX-19XX.

Once you locate the year you want, it is advised to download the entire PDF and then identify the course from there. Use the download tool in the top right corner to download the whole PDF.



Syllabi are not included in the Digital Collections. Only in rare circumstances would syllabi be available in the SCU Archives.

If you have a question about syllabi or cannot locate the course catalog year(s) you need, please reach out to

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